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Rocketman - a simple Pogonaut in search of the ultimate destubbilization system. 

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RE: Push Button 7
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Push Button GEM
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RobinK dateline='[url=tel:1708382337' Wrote: 1708382337[/url]']
Wchnu dateline='[url=tel:1708336909' Wrote: 1708336909[/url]']
Always love the shave from these.
Fully agree. I like the looks of most other SEs better, but these shave really well and are typically dirt cheap on auction sites. Good stuff!

Razor: Push Button
Brush: Frank Shaving synthetic (regrettably, FS does not really exist anymore)
Soap and aftershave: Meißner Tremonia
Bathroom: George V Residence - Alto de Pinheiros, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Good lord Robin! Sao Paulo. It must be quite lovely there. You travel with a Pushbutton razor? Im both surprised and impressed! (And you seem quite faithful to the Meisner.  Sorry, no idea how to make that B thingy!)

Your George V Residence bathroom shave made me wish to duplicate it - to share, if only in a tiny way, with your experience in Brazil. Thank you for the shave suggestion from both you and Wchnu. Push Button ASR it is! And, this Canadian black bear tallow soap is really an experience!

Also, I had to take this opportunity to show my NOS Push Button too!
