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Registration Date: 10-05-2021
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Local Time: 12-09-2024 at 09:28 PM
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Joined: 10-05-2021
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Additional Info About srqshaver
Location: Florida, USA
Bio: Husband, father, IT nerd, Linux and Open Source Software aficionado, wet shaver, the list grows…
Sex: Male

srqshaver's Signature
New wet shaver. Currently using mentionables in my happy place.

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RE: SOTD - November 2021 9
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SOTD - November 2021 SOTD
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Out of all the new GEM razors I received a few days ago, I just couldn't wait to try the G-Bar. It just has such an interesting look to it and a nice heft to it as well. The one I got is in particularly nice shape (note the reflection of the head in the picture) and I found it to be a very comfortable shaver.

I lathered up with a Hendrix Classics & Co brush and their Badass soap in a porcelain bowl, put a new PTFE blade in the razor, and managed a three-pass DFS shave. I was particularly careful so as to not chew up my face as I did with my last new blade, which, consequently, was my first ever GEM shave that ended badly. It was completely my fault and I have since had some lovely shaves with several different GEM razors.
